The four quizzes cover the skeletal system for the Lower Limb, Upper Limb, Skull, and Spine/Thorax. Review the presets and use directly or modify the pin placement to fit the requirements of your specific course.
To open the presets on the Anatomage Table:
1. Open the Full Body Male (Korean) Scan.
2. Tap the preset icon and then the preset settings icon.
3. Select "import preset".
3. Then choose the .vpf file containing one of the quizzes.
Each quiz has 9-10 presets. To quiz students on the Table, first enable quiz mode by going into the settings menu. You will want to change the options to check "presets" so that students will be able to change between the presets. The "image control" option will allow students to rotate and zoom. However, the presets have been made so that you do not need to rotate or move the image to see the pins. This would also allow you to take screen caps of the presets and use for a PowerPoint quiz or a printed quiz.
Happy Quizzing!
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